Friday, April 27, 2007


So I had been dreading taking speech class since I began school. I am very shy and do not like to talk in public so speech class and me did not go together. So who would have ever thought that I would be chosen as one of four people to give my persuasive speech in front of all the speech classes, not me thats for sure. However, on Monday I was asked to do this. So on Wednesday with my stomach all in knots I gave my speech, which was on light pollution, and what do you know I won! All the contestants got 50 bonus points and the winner got $50. I still can't believe that I was able to pull it off let alone win. You can't believe how nervous I was. I am still not so sure that winning was a good thing because I still have another speech to give before the end of the semester and now my teacher is going to expect more. On a good note though only 3 more days of speech for the rest of my life :)


Allie said...

CONGRATS!!!! I was the same way in my speech class this semester, but instead of just giving one speech all semester we had to give 5 and a couple of them had to be for 10 minutes or longer. it was rough but I somehow managed to pull of an AB in the class (AB is like an A- B+, the school just combines the two.) Good luck on your final speech.

Golda said...

Good job! That's awesome! I got out of taking a speech class, but unfortunately speeches were incorporated into other classes I took cuz of this program I was in. Stinkin' interdisciplinary education...

Melissa said...

I hated speech too, but did very well in it. I've had to give speeches several times since in other classes and church talks, so I'm sure it did help. It seemed more like a confidence booster for me.

shadylady said...

Geez...listen to all those phoney comments....I happen to know you all have trouble shutting up!!!!! (Not you Becca...your delightful cousins....)

Grandpapa said...

Becca, I am so thrtilled for you. As you get older and older you realize more and more the importance of being able to present your thoughts to others. Try debating next, you probably will surprise yourself.