Tuesday, September 25, 2007
So guess what? It's TV week. All the regular prime time shows are starting again. Have I mentioned I have an addiction to TV, just a little one, Okay I guess if you have over 10 regular shows each week that you watch that is a big addiction. But hey if I can do all my homework and still make time for that much TV that's pretty good. School is going but not fast enough. In a couple of weeks there will be fall break and I am going to the So You Think You Can Dance concert which I am very excited about. Although I don't think my sister is because I am dragging her along, lol. Not much has been going on here at Concord but that could be because it is Concord where they allocate money for a new building, that may I add was started before I came here and is just now being finished, but not for the furniture for the building therefore no classes can be held in it. Well House is coming on tonight so I better go do some homework so I can watch.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Almost another week over and a three day weekend YAY! Mom, Andrew, my aunt Connie, and I are heading to North Carolina to visit some relatives and then back to Virginia to go to the natural bridge. Only problem: I have lost my camera, not good. It's going to be good to get away for a little while. The four of us are always taking little trips, we usually take one at the beginning of summer but this year too many things happened so we have decided to go over labor day weekend. Here is a picture of Andrew, Connie, and me at Grandfather Mountain from June 2006. We spent a couple of days in Ashville and traveling along the Blue Ridge Highway.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
So Sorry I haven't blogged in a while but with summer and getting ready for school I have been really busy. This first week of school has been really stressful and trying but its almost over thank goodness. I can't believe I am twenty. When Allie wished me a happy birthday on facebook it brought back memories of the last time we were all together. I was so mad that Chris and Allie tuned 8 before I did, lol. Also when I was young I used to think no one had birthdays in August but now it seems there are lots of August babies. Callie starts Kindergarten monday, on her birthday, I can't believe she is 5. I hope everyone is doing well and I really will try to blog more.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Monday, May 07, 2007
So tomorrow is our last day of classes here at Concord because of course we always are the last school to get out even though we start at the same time as everyone else. Finals start on Thursday. I have five to take, well actually six but one was in Behavior Analysis which was a night class so I already took that final so now only five more to go. I can't wait to be done with school. Summer is almost here which is exciting. Callie and I are planning on spending a week with my aunt Connie at the end of the month and then she has a dance recital. I am so looking foward to the beach even though we don't go until the end of July. I am also super excited about the movies this summer. I already saw Spiderman 3 and loved it. I will be working again this summer at the coin shop but not until mid June. I really just can't wait for May 16 because I get to sleep! I like to sleep lol. Looks like its going to be a great summer.
Friday, April 27, 2007
So I had been dreading taking speech class since I began school. I am very shy and do not like to talk in public so speech class and me did not go together. So who would have ever thought that I would be chosen as one of four people to give my persuasive speech in front of all the speech classes, not me thats for sure. However, on Monday I was asked to do this. So on Wednesday with my stomach all in knots I gave my speech, which was on light pollution, and what do you know I won! All the contestants got 50 bonus points and the winner got $50. I still can't believe that I was able to pull it off let alone win. You can't believe how nervous I was. I am still not so sure that winning was a good thing because I still have another speech to give before the end of the semester and now my teacher is going to expect more. On a good note though only 3 more days of speech for the rest of my life :)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
So what took place at Virginia Tech on Monday really hits home here at Concord. We are only about an hour away from Tech and many of us have friends there and some of our professors used to teach there. Just keep the whole Blacksburg community in your prayers. Mom and Andrew got back from New York on Friday and Andrew is already ready to go back. I can't wait to go home this weekend. I get to see the girls and it is going to be warm which is exciting considering that we had about two inches of snow on Sunday. I hope everyone is doing well, I only have three and a half weeks left of school YAY!!!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Happy Easter
Well right now I am waiting for midnight so that I can register for my fall classes online. I can't wait for tomorrow because I am going home. Now I did go home last weekend but I had so much homework that I didn't get to see anyone. This weekend, even though I have to work, I am still so excited because I get to hang out with the family. Mom and Andrew are going to New York City this week for spring break, I so wish I could go but no I have to go to school. I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend!
Friday, March 09, 2007
Spring Break
Well my roomate and I just moved into a new room last night. It is a triple but just the two of us are staying in it and paying extra. We have so much more room but we don't really get to enjoy for another week, not that I am complaining. Spring Break has finally arrived. I am not doing anything special just hanging around. Maddie turned one today and we are having her a party on Sunday but so far that is the only plan I have. Of course I have homework because my teachers like to give tests after break. I know I won't do a whole lot but I will still take the books home just in case, lol. Hope everyone has a good weekend and that it is starting to warm up wherever you are!
Friday, March 02, 2007
Home for the weekend

I am getting ready to go home for the weekend. I spend every other weekend here at school and it stinks because first off the only thing in Athens is a CVS and a Ginos and also I don't have a car to go to Princeton where there are things to do. So I am really excited to go home and see everyone especially the girls. I already told mom on Monday that I want to go to Rio, our favorite Mexican restaurant, this weekend. I also get to see Dad which is good because the last weekend I was home he worked all weekend. Here is a picture of him and Maddie during the Chiefs playoff game I meant to put it on earlier but forgot. I found Maddies outfit at Gabe's and just had to get it for her. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Since my AOL did something weird and no longer works I only have internet explorer which I am not used to using and I don't have all of my favorites including my blog so I forgot about it until last weekend. We are finally experiencing warm weather and by that I mean mid 40s. Spring Break is only two weeks away and I can't wait, School and me don't get along even though I get good grades. I am spending the weekend here in Athens, WV and let me tell you there is absolutely nothing to do. I don't know if any of you guys watch TV but I am a TVholic and watch it all the time and Grey's Anatomy is amazing but I also love many other shows like House and Lost. Well I guess I should do some homework even though I hate it.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Back To School
Well this is the first full week of school. It is hard being back after having a month off but I am starting to get used to it again. It finally got cold here which isn't much fun unless there is snow which there isn't right now. I know I haven't blogged in a while but I will try to do so more often now that I have a schedule again. Hope everyone is doing well!
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